Original Article: https://medium.com/authority-magazine/i-am-living-proof-of-the-american-dream-as-an-immigrant-i-consider-myself-an-american-over-f7e8a83da722
I Am Living Proof Of The American Dream: “As an immigrant, I consider myself an American over anything else. I think it’s difficult to find other countries where you have that feeling of inclusion” with Robert M. Barthelmess of BGI Capital. I had the pleasure of interviewing Robert M. Barthelmess. Robert is a leader in the banking industry who has worked in the banking industry for over 25 years with an expertise in corporate banking and commercial real estate finance. Over his career, he has served in numerous roles in prestigious banking institutions and reached significant milestones and goals. Over his prestigious career, he has acquired extensive experience and a proven record of developing profitable business divisions in domestic and international banking as well as commercial real estate lending. In 2017, Robert founded BGI Capital in collaboration with development expert, Kenneth A. Baboun. BGI Capital is a full service alternative commercial real estate lending firm which manages its own funds, allowing for flexible lending, same-day authorizations, and expeditious closings. A boutique firm, BGI Capital is able to provide personalized service and support clients throughout the entire process to guarantee that all their needs are met. At BGI Capital, Mr. Barthelmess oversees the lending and institutional relationship components for BGI Capital. Robert holds a Bachelor of Science in Finance from Florida International University and a Master of Business Administration degree from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern. BGI Capital is based on the principals of loyalty and personal service and the firm offers a family type service and atmosphere that is disappearing all too quickly from today’s business world. The key to their rapid success has been to keep that personal touch while still staying cutting edge with the latest in technology. With continued success in Florida, BGI Capital has expanded into New York, bringing its diverse portfolio of lending solutions to burgeoning communities in the northeast. For more information on BGI Capital, please visit www.bgicg.com.
